RayRay200 from status im bak on dis shit ^-^ i as watching the game on bet new new sexiii;))

Member since Jun 30, 2012
I'm a big fan of me myself an i kobe bryant, future, 2 chainnn, drake an kevin durant,FRIEND aspen<3<3 Gabiee CC- me home gurl love ya Tay Tay- my new best friend mariah;))<333
I wanna meet new people get higgh an alot more
Music: rap, any music dat good i listen to dnt like lame musci liek country or music i cant understand at all:)
Movies: scarey no boring or sissy movie or lame ass ones
About Me: light skin mexican proud young man dnt like no mess start dnt like the bull shit laid bak can be friends with anyone if u cool an dnt start no messs like goin out partyin chillen with my homeboys an my gurls