Romero from Los angles,California Mood:Loved and happy

Member since Feb 21, 2012
I'm a big fan of Anythinq mostly My love jessica and hanq outwt my friendz and i love qoinq out wit my best friends moslty saturdays and fridays and im 16yrs and im straight italian and ilove to spend time with family and friendz always follow ur dreams and heart!!!!! -R
I wanna Be a artist like a singer i love playin gutiar all these thingz jessica {gf} showed me and i love analyssa and angela!!!
Music: anything mostly pop and hip hop and i love to dance and being with jessica and angela and analyssa there jessicas sisters
Movies: Anythinq i love adut comedys!
About Me: IM 17 and im taken i love jessica {gf} and i love her so much! and im italian and love hanqin out wit friendz Espessaliy my babe jessica