SeKiO from A place you don't need to know about just yet. ;3

Member since Aug 03, 2009
I'm a big fan of R&B music, Trey Songz, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, Boys,Friends, Psychics , The movie Avatar, Spongebob Squarepants, Facebook, Crazy people, My phone, Hot Topic, Bracelets, Necklaces, Shopping, Shoes, Black people who are weird, Mexican food, The internet,
I wanna Be confident, Be fearless, Change people lives, Make a Difference, Have World peace, and live life, <3
Music: Well I like All kinds except Screamo music, Dumb love songs, Retared Pop songs, Rock music, and Bad rap songs Artists: A Day to Remember, NeverShoutNever, Adele, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, B.O.B ,CHRIS BROWN <3, Bruno Mars....
Movies: The Phantom of the Opera, Avatar, The Road the El Dorado, Nemo :3, The Twilight Series, Love and Basketball, Madea Movies, Pretty Woman, The Hangover, Hallpass, and that is I can think of right now. C;
About Me: You don't need to know me. If I told you I would have to kill you... I'm just keeeeeedddddddddding. C;