SexciiAszDopeGirl from alllwayzz in all Kye dreamz....cuzz detz myy Boo 4eva!!!

Member since Nov 14, 2011
I'm a big fan of my sexcii asz dread head niqqa Kye! (myy boo 4 eva!!)
I wanna ...-Status- in an relationship wiff my BOO Ta'kye...♥♥♥ (luvv yhu 4eva Kye...!!!!)........M00D-i think im in luvv wiff em doe...!!! :D
Music: Sonng of the Dayy!! DANCE (ASS)-wobbledy wobbledy,wo-wo-wobbledy wobble,...detz my fave part doe!!
Movies: Drama!,ndd Scaryy movies!
About Me: Aye'yoo disz urr girll TeTe! im iz also called Elmo Shawdyy by Kye (my boo)!!! cuzz me luvv me summ elmo Now! sooo Hmu sooner or later! ndd dey sayy my swaqq is juz Stupid Retarded doe...Lls :)
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