Skyler2828 from Chicago

Member since Jul 29, 2014
I'm a big fan of Sam Smith, I've been to his concert in Chicago, I have his rolling stone magazine. And i have a sweat shirt and posters.
I wanna be In the Marines
Music: Sam smith, Miley Cyrus, Katy perry, Usher, Beyonce, John Legend, ACDC, Areosmith, Pitbull, Drake, Hozier, Nikki Minaj, Arianna Grande, Demi Lavato, Magic, Elle Goulding, Cavin Harris, Much More but to much to list.!!!
Movies: American Sniper, Annabelle, The conjuring, 12 years a slave, Warm Bodies, The Vow, Magic Mike, Gone Girl, Gimme Shelter, The interview, Much more but to much to list.
About Me: My Name is Skyler and I'm 13 years old. Im planning on going into the Marines and hopefully survive. My Favorite show is Law & Order special victims unit (SVU). Im from Chicago in the city by the Willis Tower. I will kill for Panera Bread, ( Wont actually
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