SparklesAndMusic from My*Own*Little*World*Called*Wonderland

Member since Sep 24, 2011
I'm a big fan of Katy Perry, Kimbra, YourFavoriteMartian, Elvis Crespo, and Michael Jackson, and of course: ONE DIRECTION ;D and I don't care how any one else feels about them :-)
I wanna Hurt* All* Who* Has* Hurt* Me* Have Superpowers and change the world :)
Music: All* of* it* of* course*...*
Movies: Scooby*-Doo* 1* and* 2*, Coraline*, Nightmare* on* Elm* Street*, Orphan*, Hocus* Pocus*, Date* Movie*, Meet* the* Spartans*, Don't* Mess* With* the* Zohan*, The* Karate* Kid* 1*, 2*, and* 3*, The* Outsiders*, Stand* by* Me*, The* Wizard* of* Oz*, *and *De
About Me: I* like* sparkles*, music*, magic*, laughing*, pink*, black*, sunglasses*, books*, lip gloss*, fairies*, stars*, hearts*, kittens* {especially* mine*!}*, sneakers*, turquoise*, bubbles*, rainbows*, and* monkeys *Please* vote* for* my* designs*!*
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