SpongyBobby from LOVEville!-HAPPY VALENTINE

Member since Dec 09, 2011
I'm a big fan of OF MY GF ''Loveisforever'',I LUV U BABY,and Old Hickory BULLDOGS,IM A FOOTBALL PLAYER ON THAT TEAM,IM NUMBER 12[my name is Cody James Rowlette]
I wanna be wit my gf rite now,and BE A FOOTBALLL PLAYER/im in 5th grade,my b-day is march 5th/im sherlock holme boy-will smith,fresh prince of bel-aire
Music: GET SILLY,STANKY LEG,CAT DADDY,TEACH ME HOW TO DOUGIE,JERK,I NO HOW TO COOK<---------(THE DANCE)if u get a CHANCE,can u LOOK at my WHOLE friends list and see are YOU on there!
Movies: MY AVATAR,IZ 2 MY GF!and me holdin hands,and makin love faces,and kissin my girl-friend movie,and NONE YA<------thats wat my science/social studies teacher sayy-lol
About Me: my name iz Cody,I <3 MY GF,SHE IS MY HEART!i go to Donelson Middle School,in at a GHETTO SCHOOL,my nickname is ''spongebob''!Because people think my skin tone is YELLOW!i love u ''Loveisforever''
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