

Member since Jul 30, 2009
I'm a big fan of Twilight (of course lmao) Manga (just love the pictures =p) Egyptology (sounds geeky ino lmao)
I wanna have a good life and make my place in the world =D (not at all cheesy .... :P)
Music: Paramore (OMG hehe amazin) Beyonce (a gr8 singer) me n holly singin in concerts sooooooo funny (quick holly run while theyre not looking!!!) LMAO best night eva xx
Movies: Twilight (again lmao , not as gud as d books tho) Die Hard films (hard core action lmao)
About Me: Hey im from England, im what people call a music girl lmao, im in a band T.I.T.Y yh, yh we all get it v funny :P (Today Is Tomorrows Yesterday) i play the flute and i have singin lessons and keep on gettin dragged into concerts and assemblies in school