TheChoc from Fitchburg/Yo momas crib/ The Traphouse

Member since Feb 12, 2013
I'm a big fan of soccer, takis, (NOT dried pickles cause GUH), Music, and friends
I wanna I lik wana met tha beib an lik sing wit on drectin and boo i hat zane cuz he leaved
Music: Rap, R&B, other stuff that isn´t 5sos (LOL Here comes the hate)
Movies: horror/ suspense/ mystery/ comedy. But really Shrek is where it's at. #GetShrekt #GetPumped4ShrekFest2015 #TurnUp #HereWeCome
About Me: I go by Choco.. I am a 17 yr old dude who is only here cause his lame friends are. JK They swag. I play soccer, frequently avoid Gill and Conan, and sing (esp. R&B music) (Fanz call me The Chocnd for anyone who reps XO gang $$)