ThisVampyBites from Konoha, Hokkaido Japan ( I wish..! ), The Underworld, You know, my own totally awesome world with me, myself, & I <3. ( Sorry, none can come but mwah :) )

Member since Mar 04, 2012
I'm a big fan of Yaoi. Anime. * Guys, Bisexuals & * <3. Anime! ZoSan <3. Manga. Gazerock<3. Reading. * guys again *o*. Gothic-ness. Hugs <3. C.O.D. Smiling&Laughing. Video games. Music. Cosplay. Minase Masara. Fam(ILY). Sebby-chan~~!! *o*
I wanna Be a mangaka <3! Meet Takahiro Sakurai <3. Go too a "The GazettE" concert. Work at a cosplay cafe. Make a manga with Minase Masara. Give you a hug.. 'kay?! :D ({}).
Music: Techno (is the shit). Gothic Metal. Japanese. Visual Kei.; The GazettE. Evanescence. Within Temptation. Basshunters. Toneshifterz. Dj Tietso. Noisecontrollers. Marilyn Manson. Moi Dex Mois. Kanon Wakeshima <33. Hex Girls. Utada Hikaru. Adele.
Movies: Horror O.O . Anime :3.; Lord Of The Ring. Star Wars. Sweeny Tod. Nightmare Before Christmas. Sleepy Hollow. Underworld. Dracula. Hannibal Rising. Anime; No.6 <33. Junjou Romantica. Naruto. InuYasha. One Piece (ZoSan.. *o*). Monochrome Factor.
About Me: Yooo', sweeties \(^_^)..! Names Zöe, don't ware et' outt..! :) Known by most as Vampy. I'ma totally Otaku..!<3 I'm Gothic &don't stereotype it-.- I'm super duper sweet,sweeter than a cupycake ^_~ I dance but suck at it<'3 D:<. You should SO add me..!:)
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