ToxicSoundz from Kent, Washington XD apt hehe

Member since Aug 26, 2011
I'm a big fan of rock music like paramore, flyleaf, disturbed, and so on XD i also lovee anime like inuyasha and hellgirl. and i like to draw art and sing and listen to meh music! so yeah i ish crazy :D and i also love crazy bracelets hence the pic of bracelets
I wanna have a restraunt or do some kind of design stuff and whatnot ^^ but other than that i dont know what i wanna be most likely a kewl mom but i dont know my future lies ahead of me so yeah PEACES
Music: ROCK AND SOME POP i lovee all rock music they are the best kind of music
Movies: comedy, horror, mystery, ya kno the scary stuff and romantic comdies or something
About Me: i love stuff and cheesecake but i basically told you everything about me earlier with the music and stuffz so yeah i ish crazy but nicee so yeah PEACE
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