TwilightCrazy101 from The underworld

Member since Oct 18, 2011
I'm a big fan of hello kitty, candy, music, hot topic, shopping, cheerleading, vladimir tod, my boy freind, edward, rainbows, me, my freinds, facebook, my fone, unicorns, leperchuns, horror movies, the grudge, ppls, wait no h8 ppls jk, and ummm did i say MUSIC,
I wanna be a vampire
Music: the ready set, allstar weekend, icp, bvb, selena gomez, justin beiber, taylor swift, stuff like tht
About Me: ummm i can be really nice but if u mess with my freinds or me i WILL show u my bad side...so all u bitches out their better not messs with me and my freinds......oh yea and im a total music luver lmao
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