VampireKnightluv13 from Orlando, FL. Apopka 

Member since Jun 21, 2012
I'm a big fan of 1.Vampire Knight i am in some videos of smosh and shane dawson BIG FAN! 2 Chibi Vampire
I wanna Be an Anime Character Voice be a name in a manga( Kurane-Chan) meaning of love(Sexyness)lol and i love cosplay so>>>>>><<<<<<3
Music: Mostly Amy lee and Three days Grace. And lmfao, Three doors down, And Nickel Back, UKF, Dubstep, Black Vale Brides, Paramore, And some Screamo. Yupp. Starships to by Nicki Minaj
Movies: The Avengers, Hunger Games, And a sort of waiting fan of the last part of Breaking Dawn. Journey 2 Nver been Kissed Alice in wonderland And all paarnormal things
About Me: I am 13 and I am an Artist and A piano player. I have been waiting for request. I am very shy and sometime odd. But i can be a gentle Person. i am an paranormal investigator since 2008
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