WolfGirl14 from In My Imagination...

Member since Nov 02, 2012
I'm a big fan of One Direction, Wolves, Anime, Manga, Music, Animals, Friends, Being Myself
I wanna Be a Vet, Marry One Direction, Have a pet Wolf
Music: 1D, BVB, Shealeigh, BOTDF, Falling In Reverse, Katy Perry, One Republic, Nickleback, Avril Lavigne, Shakira, She Wolf, and a lot more!!!
Movies: Zombieland, Alpha And Omega, Madigascar, Jake the Hero Dog, The Journey Of the Lynx, Disney Nature, Wreck It Ralph, Nemo, StepUp, Hangover,Grown Ups...
About Me: I'm 14, I play volleyball, soccer, softball, cheer, dance, basketball. I love Wolves, anime, life, 1D, and my friends. I occasionally cut, but not badly! I am single. I ride horses, and i'm not afraid to get down and dirty! I live for nature!
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