X-IronWolfHuner from On Earth

Member since Jan 29, 2011
I'm a big fan of The X-Files!!! OMFG! YES!!! The Philes RULE babay!!!
I wanna Adopt a wolf when im older and show my parents that they are COMPLETELY wrong about them being killers and killing people!!! >:|
Music: Rock, some Pop, NO Jazz, Love Songs. Ex: AC/DC, Miley Cyrus. Kesha, Katey Perry, Brandi Carlile, Snow Patrol, Coldplay. . .etc.
Movies: Fight The Future (X-Files FIRST movie, or FTF), I Want To Believe (2nd X-Files movie, or IWTB), Iron Man 1-2, Hulk (2009), Fantastic Four 1-2, Spider Man 1-3, Cars, The Lion King 1-2 (including 1 and a half), Aladdin, Goofy Movies 1-2, AND MAAAANY MORE!!!
About Me: Very weird. Blonde, hazel eyes. When i have a belief im VERY passionate about it. About 5ft in height. 105.8lbs i think. . .Hmm not much else that you need to know. Id be tyeping here all day if i were to go on. . .Oh look i already am. . .Oops, BYE!
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