Xxemogirl123xX from somewhere in Germany:)

Member since Aug 02, 2010
I'm a big fan of Tittie Cam;3(ohhh yes;)Playing with fire;).Going to raves with friends.Drawing.Drugs.Getting stone.Knives.Blood.Monster.MissayI.VersusTheMirror.SheMalesFromOuttaSpaceOfDeath.Panic!AtTheDisco.WeatherStar:3
I wanna work at slash gash terror crew, go tew innocet hig n study at go * youself university;D,go skinyy dippinqqxDSet things on fire:),talk with a shadow;),dance in blood:D,poke ur mamas boob;D,have a pet penguinexD,
Music: BOTDF.A7X.JStar.Scotty Vanity.DotDot Curve.Asking Alexandria.Smashing Punkins.Ramstein.EatMeWhileImHot.HotChelleRae.SarahWhereIsMyTea.ALovelyDayForBloodshed.ChelseaSmileInDyingArms.FuneralForAFriend.DancingWithTheEmey my.RevengeOfTheLivngDead.
Movies: Nemo,Monsters Inc.:3,Chicken Little,Grown Ups,Vampire Sucks,Despicable Me,Cat In The Hat,Fred The Movie(:,Childrens Play,Halloween,Friday The 13Th(boobies;)
About Me: I'm Βειια . I'm the biggest faggot In Germany. i will take whatever criticism you throw at me, whether it be good or bad, but,i will not apologize for being myself. Hate if you will, Can't destroy .воовוзs;3
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