XxravenXx from somewhere status:i am so bored=(

Member since Sep 11, 2011
I'm a big fan of country,hip-hop,altitive,scremo,justin bieber,cody simpson,zac brown,lady antebla,blck veil brides,bring mee the horizone,monsters,redbulls,deer,fish,dogs,rabbit,chickens, anglels,peace signs,hello kitty.
I wanna be a singer,be a vitneren,kiss the most boy on the check(lol),have the best hair in the world.
Music: country,hip-hop,altitive,scremo,justin bieber,cody simpson,zac brown,lady antebla,blck veil brides,bring mee the horizone,and more
Movies: last song,8 mile,never say never,roll bonce,and more My favorite tv shows r 1,000 ways to die,my big redneck weding,teen mom,16 an d pregnet,music channels,and so munch more
About Me: i am 16.i except every fr.i am single.i am striaght.my name is raven.i love people.i weigh 90 pounds.i am 5.5 feet.i have blue eyes.my hair is brown.my fav saying is shoot me by a firwork.i love hughting anf fishing.