ZombiiKitty from My inner world

Member since Sep 23, 2012
I'm a big fan of Zombies, Vampires, Monsters, Music, Puppets, the color black...And white. Black veil Brides, Resident Evil.
I wanna Meet Pewdiepie, meet Andy sixx.
Music: Black veil Brides, Murderdolls, Slipknot, Sleeping with Sirens, Bullet for my Valentine, Wednesday 13, Asking Alexandria, Attack Attack, Japanese Music: Gazette, A day to Remember, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Korn, Three Doors Down.
Movies: Almost any movie with: Zombies, Vampires (except Twilight.) Werewolves, Monsters, Paranormal, slashers, killers. Nightmare Before Christmas, Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, Coraline, Batman begins (All batman movies), Interview with a vampire.
About Me: I am a very quiet girl, but sometimes I will become talkative and hyper. I love Zombies and Vampires, skeletons, and pretty much Halloween. I like to listen to my music and play video games in my room...
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