aaaaaaaa from California^.^

Member since Nov 20, 2012
I'm a big fan of My raiders nation and my haters i go for the chicago bulls and i like the doggers i was born in granada hills but now live in California <3
I wanna My birthday is January 26 Iam taken by the sweetest guy in the world he's just my big heart and he will always be my hubby ..if ur looking at this (gir) ur very beautiful just the way you are.
Music: Dimonds in the sky<3i like the song locked in heaven by brouno mars... thats a good song .... and i also like the song body by christina aguilar .. and that song clique haha that song is ganster..and BoB Marley hes LEGEND....
Movies: my favorite movie is pitch perfect an green hornet my favorite game is BLACK OPS iam actually pretty good haha .. taken by the babe rolando good looking and hes soo fresh lol haha .... Iam a BIG fan of Ellen we bouth have he same birthday.
About Me: My name is Angela lovh da color green and if u have green eyes or haizel i will automatically lohvv you forever... I have a great personality :).. <3 IAM Taken by Rolando and whilling to make you smile and laugh haha 12-31-12