alealehandra from I

Member since Aug 30, 2010
I'm a big fan of â€â—•â€¿â—•â€DuHhHhh. . .suree Of MaSelff :P nd iN lòvé with JuStinnn BieBèR. . .nd JasOn Dèrùlò ,ChRiss BrowN, RiHaNnnaa,KatY PerrY,LaDy Gagaa, MohOmbi,NicoLe SCherZinger,Usher nd. . .much more. . .IF tHe SoNg Is [NICE] thE singer is [CoOl]
I wanna ♔BE ROCKSTAR ,play voleyboll,whatch tv,play computer,go to shoping center,2 bay CONVERSE ALL STAR,meat lady gaga or justin bieber,swim ,play in guitar, bay clothes,.**say jokes . ... relaxxxxx .*•.¸(*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*★★★★★ılıll|
Music: â–„JuStIn â–ˆbieBer â–ˆU â–„R â–„the â–ˆbestt â–„ duHhhH riGht Now I <3 How We ROlL , nEXt 2 u , u MAkE mE fEEl , sOmEbOdY lIKKe YAA. .FlY ...lucky MaN Project...
Movies: ☮♥♫✿♫✿ð„žâ„¢âœ¬ í•œêµì–´ taken. ,twiligt,materialist girls.,,, everything makes me :-)laughf .....<3>^^♥♥♥ usually i like films when i eat pop-corn......i like a reall drama liam and becky
About Me: i'm 14 years old. i love fashion music and paint .duHh soMe Gurls wanna copy meh bt BiTchIess u got to create uR own PersOnalityy .AND MY REAL NAME IS WANDA<3 ..I LoVe My FrIenDsHip..and The TiMe we SpeNt 2getHer is FaNtaSic ...
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