amietris201 from Ocean Springs,MS

Member since Jun 13, 2010
I'm a big fan of Alica Keys, Bebe and Cece Wiyner, Demi Lovato, The Black Eyes Peas, Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas, Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas, Micheal Jackson, Rihanna, DJ Kaehen, and Beyonce', Chris Brown
I wanna be a petiatritian, takes care of children, be a singer and go to hollywood!!!:)
Music: Fallin', I just wanna be close to you, A gift of a friend, I gotta a feeling, Burnin Up, Make A Wave, This is it, Take a bow, All i do is win, Ego, Wall to Wall
Movies: All Tyler Perry Movies and stage plays, She get everything she wants, and Dreamgirls and many more!!!!!:)
About Me: I love sing and dance and if u were my friends, we would have soooooooooo much fun!!!!:) I am funny and sweet and beutifal!!!:) THAT WHAT UP!!!!") YO! YO ! YO !
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