artistic from i live in victoria, bc 

Member since Aug 22, 2011
I'm a big fan of supernatural! and a whole bunch of people! way too many people to name haha
I wanna model! and travel around the world to exotic places and see things and hang out with all my fave hotties ;p
Music: skrillex, disturbed, bullet for my valentine, three days grace, dubstep, adele, skilet, breaking benjamin, ummm anime songs, nickelback, papa roach, rob zombie, red hot chili peppers, mayday parade, gorillaz, gary jules, linkin park, nelly, eminem, kaw
Movies: the blade trilogy, queen of the damned, vampire movies in general, hunger games and loooooooooots more haha
About Me: am char I'm in high school, i love music and singing. lol I'm a gamer chick and i love to read mainly fantasy or mythical or something along those lines, i love anime and manga! haha. i wanna be a photographer or a model