ashley roxz
ashley roxz from my DREAMS about living LIFE 2 THE MOST I CAN!!!

Member since Sep 27, 2009
I'm a big fan of #1 Fan of Coldplay!!!!!!!!!!The Beatles, Coldplay, and OneRepublic and Foster The People
I wanna be friends with Victoria Justice i would love to meet her I wanna b an ACTRESS and a SPECIAL EFFECTS PERSON and maybe a singer .i would LOVE 2 MEET JOHNNY DEPP!!! OH YEAH!,TIM BURTON!!!&KATY PERRY luv her music!
Music: i looovvvee to listen 2 Viva La Vida by COLDPLAY, Not Over You by Gavin Degraw(CUTEST SONG EVER!!! :DDD)and Feel Again by OneRepublic.
Movies: Coraline, Alice in Wonderland,The Nightmare Before Christmas!!!!! i luv the movie The Wizard of OZ and The Return To OZ. i THINK that TIM BURTIN is the BEST MOVIE MAKER EVER!!!!
About Me: i have big eyes and long hair. i play Clarinet,Drums at my school.MUSIC IS MY ADDICTION!!! LUV 2 LAUGH.P.S.my name is not really Ashley.
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