baby tyta
baby tyta from Elgin Illinois

Member since May 30, 2010
I'm a big fan of shakira, selena gomez, demmi lovato, david archuleta,flex,paulina rubioand many more artist.
I wanna be a popstar, be a teacher, meet shakira and david archuleta,go to school,and be rich.
Music: pop, selena gomez , hip hop, rock,flex,demmi lovato,paulina rubios,thalia,and many more
Movies: wizard of waverly place the movie, up, 16 wishes, starstruck, twighlight, new moon, toy story 3, hsm 123, and many more
About Me: I am smart. I was born in Febuary 13 2000. I am in fourth grade. My name is Rosadelia Martinez.. My rolemodel is my mom. my sister is in this website if u would like to be her friend go to her profile. her name here is i love dora.