babygirl108 from Around town in that corner a little place called life.come on that was good lolol

Member since Dec 21, 2012
I'm a big fan of mee my self aaaaaaaa,aaaaaaa shes my favorit sister out off all,ashely12345,and my bro"s r Reckleesjake hes allwayes there for me,and NIGGAPLZ,(real brother),lolollolololololol hahah be my bff and my beastes and well 5thes bestest freaind shyxemoxgurl
I wanna be a famose soccer player cuz its so fun u should try it the only thing that care about is GOD and JESUS jk but i love them but its all about FUN hahahahahahhahahahlololin sports DA i love sport"s
Music: SHERLIX hes a DJ,slena gomez her mucic ,talory langhter,bella swan,hip hop,clacccic not the 80's mucic horbble,lolololololololololololololololohahahhahahahahahahha,and brono mars
Movies: all but not the sad and boring movis,i like only the shows r spongebob,teen wolf,vampirdiry,and wizerd of waverly place there coming back now yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss
About Me: hi my name is vannisa and im 6 years old and im cool,ssasy,asome,a dork,i have 4 doges and there name is chata 14 years old dino 5 dezzy 1 and coddy 9,and my 2 best bff r Reckleesjake and niggaplz my freainds at skcool are reina,anel,eshter,mria,jackalen,
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