barbie123456 from n youur room sucking youuz dickk....!!!!!!

Member since Jun 24, 2010
I'm a big fan of lady gaga, justin bieber, snoop dog, drake, Ke$ha, selena gomez, demi lavono, young money, chriz brown, avril levege, katty perry, adam lambert, p. diddy, all star weekend, bruno marz and the ONE and the ONLY MICHAELL JACKZON!!!!!!!
I wanna suuckk youuz guuyz dickk............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music: pop, rap, r&b (etc;) fav song iz by burno marz n itz called "gernade"
Movies: My fav movie iz Nightmare On Elm Street!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill like comedy, romantic, action, thrillerz, and scary moviez....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About Me: the namezz Destiny and i have blonde hair&gray eyes and ima white chick....ive been gone 4 awhile but am bac....! i suck dickk.......so pwease ADD MEH!!!!!!.....love ya, peace!! >3 DONT BE A HATER!!!<3>3
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