barbiechick from Houston,Texas

Member since Jun 17, 2010
I'm a big fan of Beyonce and sougia boy,and nicki minaj
I wanna be a vet cause i like animals and monkeys so it might be a vet or a zookeeper and i like people telling the truth and getting caught so i might be a lawyer or a police(hahaha)
Music: i like all hip hop songs and rap because i like songs that you just cant resist singing or dancing to(hahahahahahaha)
Movies: mulan and scary movie i dont like scarymovies but i like scary movies that are funny and i like mulan because even though everything go bad do not mean it wont be a happy ending(hahahahahahaha)
About Me: i was born in 1998 iam and african american, i am about to turn twelve on August,4 and i love frogs and monkeys and i like mix-match socks and bunkbeds i get really crazy over candy the only candy i dont like is cocunut candy.(hahahahaha).......my favorit
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