bieber_babe06 from Cranston,Rhode Island

Member since Jun 29, 2010
I'm a big fan of Justin Bieber!!!!!!
I wanna meet Justin Bieber
Music: Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Drake, Eminem, Carrie Underwood, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha
Movies: Dear John, A-Team, Twilight, Newmoon, Baby Mama,Grown Up's,This is it
About Me: My name is Alexus and I loveeeeee Justin Bieber <3 He's mad awsome and if you don't like him then WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?! I'm 12 years old and am a 7th grader going to HBMS so Message mee and we can be friendsss kayy? Byeee <3 ♥
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