booknerd55 from Humblodt County, California. The Land of the Hippies.

Member since Feb 23, 2013
I'm a big fan of Animals, open-minded people, books, libraries, anime, manga, baking- I love it, warm fuzzy throw blankets, my glasses, clothes that I deem 'cool', giving food to homeless people, my computer, special K vanilla almond flavor, Vaseline, Nintendo ds, pizza,
I wanna Either be a Nurse or have a job with animals that isn't a veterinarian. Maybe a wildlife biologist. Sometime in my life I plan to join the peace corps- hopefully multiple times- and use that money to start an animal breeding farm in my old age/ retirement
About Me: Well, I'm definitely not a hippie just so you know(if your confused, than look above at the 'where I'm from' part), but I live next to the forest and have an amazing view from my house since I live on this miny hill like thing(I say 'thing' because there
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