crazylover123 from AZ

Member since Jul 28, 2012
I'm a big fan of Softball, nikki minaj,chris brown,takin pictures:)
I wanna Go 2 college, live life and not worry about anything but meeh and my babe>3
Music: Thats how u like it, Stupid hoe, give your heart a break,here we go again,Faded,Dance A$$,baby boy!!
Movies: ice age 4, Mr poppers peunguins, Madeas big happy family, abduction, the roomate,nemo,shrek,happy feet,the wild,step it up,hangover,hot chick,up so pretty much alotxD
About Me: I like 2 play softball,football,i love hangin out with friends and havin a good time,hangin out wit cuzens, sleepin an never gettin up:),,,stayin up late, i like tryin different things and im OBSESSED with the color GREEN<333
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