cupcake0815 from Goin back to skool excited to see my friends but i have to wait anthor year for summer so now it is time to say goodbye

Member since Feb 26, 2010
I'm a big fan of Chris Brown&Beyonce,Black Eyed Peas,Usher.LilWayne,Soulja Boy,Adele
I wanna meet Drake,Nikki minaj,lil-wanye My sisters are Giglez15 & MzBbyAttitude L♥ve u sis
Music: HipHop,REGGETON,=LoveIsMyDrug,OhMaGosh,Dady'sHome,TikTok,DropTheWorld,Meet Me Half Way,Down,Break Ur He♥rt,Pretty Boy Swag,Sumerman,Stanky Leg,Yur A JERK
Movies: I lUVE all kidns and sometimes I will watch some scary movies.BUT the movies i like th most r COMEDY.
About Me: I L♥VE 2 laugh I am a very social person.I am the girl that is always with my FAMILY. mY FAVORITE ICE CREAM IS cOOKIE'S n' Cream. I love to be hiper and jump around. My motto is to make life count not waste it.
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