cuteforever1 from massachusetts

Member since Jun 15, 2010
I'm a big fan of justin bieber, lady gaga, katey perry, and ke$ha, rhianna, soulja boy, U2, ludacris, sean kingston, the veronicas, lil wayne, nicki minaj, david archuleta, 3oh!3, eminem, kristina debarge, danity kane, sakira, rum dmc, young money, clodplay, chris brown,
I wanna be a marine biologist
Music: pop and hip hop
Movies: wall-e, shrek, marly and me, percey jackson and the olmpians, nims island, charlie st cloud, and vampires suck
About Me: i love justin bieber, i love all amimals and my bffs, they r the best i could ask for luv u guys
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