dark angel19
dark angel19 from Athens,Greece!!!

Member since Oct 29, 2009
I'm a big fan of robert pattinson,angelina jolie,johnny depp,placebo,muse,nirvana and matisse!!!!
I wanna make my dreams come true.I want to travel around the world, find a person who loves me and help people who are in need!!!!!!!
Music: I like alternative rock,electro and pop!!!!!!!Some of my favorite songs are: come as u are,here without you,undisclosed desires,every u and every me,forever yours,monsoon etc.
Movies: my favorite movies are twilight , 10 things i hate about you, playing by heart,the blind side,remember me,babel!!!!!!!!
About Me: I am a fourteen-year-old student, I live in Greece,I love football,music,fashion and chips and I want to find a job which will allow me to travel around the world!!!!!
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