davidrockz from chicago Ill

Member since Apr 11, 2012
I'm a big fan of Drake,Kirko Bangz,J.Cole,Lil Wayne Diggy Simmons, Gucci Man.T.I, Jerimiah,Selena Gomez, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Mindless Behavior,Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron, Chris Brown Nikki Manaj, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Pitbull, T-Pain, & Barack Obam
I wanna swim with dolphins _ meet chris brown _ mindless behavior _ famous dancers _ travel around the world _ go to London _ make my own movie _ be a scientist _ change my natural hair color
Music: Lil Wayne, T.I ,
Movies: Adam Sandler, Chuckie, Screan 1234,
About Me: I am like anyt other child but want to do more with my life and i like alot of things
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