dowha from u.k 

Member since Nov 13, 2011
I'm a big fan of black veil brides, bring me the horizon, blood on the dance floor, never shout never , panic at the disco , paramore , fly leaf ,gym class heroes ,taylor swift, tyler the creator, mac miller, lil wayen , the ready set ,evanescence, falling in reverse
I wanna meet all the people who i look up to that are famous
Music: hip hop / rap /rock /screamo / techno / instrumental
Movies: finding nemo / hangover 1 and 2 / ghost busters/ lord of the rings/ harry potter/ Shawn of the dead/ zombie land / easy a / new moon/ this is it / karate kid / white chicks /the lion king / pocahontas / monsters inc
About Me: i like pandas music it is my life i cant live without it music is everything to me um i like all colors but i like the color blue and black are my top fav blue is my number one fav color then black then all the other colors thats it nothen much else to t