dressupgirl from a WorLd 0f mAgIC! =) Status: YaY!! W33kEnD!!:D M00d: HaPpY!!! B3caUSe Azdr3SSuP is WoRkiNG!! :P ;O

Member since May 12, 2009
I'm a big fan of Hannah Montana and Lady Gaga, B.o.B,Paramore, Ke$ha,Azdressup, Stardoll(Maria_Sabrina),and alot and alot and alot more!! LOL
I wanna be a singer! Go to our page at Facebook!!! :D plz like it!! THxxx!!! <3
Music: K-POP,J-POP,Jai Ho Pussycat Dolls Heartless Nothin' on You Airplanes(featuring Hayley Williams, WOW!) I Gotta Feeling and lots and lots MORE!!!! I LUV K-POPPPPPPPPPP! :D ;D
Movies: Cartoons,Anime, Action and that's all! ( Maybe...) :-)
About Me: Please rate my dolls and give me friend requests! plz vote for justdance and xisillydino's dolls! Best friends here: JustDance ( I know her in real life! ) & xisillydino ( I know her in real life too!) Thx 4 ppl who voted my dolls! U ROCK!! :D
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