emoboyfromhell from Hamilton, Ohio, born and raised, the playground is where I spent most of my days. ;)

Member since Sep 29, 2011
I'm a big fan of Helping others, FIRE, music, poetry, vampires (I guess you could say mythological creatures in general), Art, anime, and much MUCH more.
I wanna Take care of those I love and care for, and be the hero for those who need one!
Music: Black Veil Brides, Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, Evanescence, Enigma, Kagrra, An' Cafe, Alice Nine, Shinedown, Ra, Sixx A.M., Motley Crue, Green Day, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, The Black Dahlia Murder, Blood on The Dance Floor, Lamb of God, Avenged Sevenf
Movies: Horror, Romance, comedy, and the Tragic love stories. I love Romeo + Juliet with Mr. Decaprio, and I love this Russian film called @suicideroom!
About Me: Well, isn't this fancy.. You guys get to know me. Lets see, I'm in a band: Maniacal Winter (Lead singer) I'm Bi, and 15. Highly out of the ordinary, but with my own original style. Nobody can follow my style! XD
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