eosgirl from NARNIA

Member since Dec 16, 2009
I'm a big fan of I'M AN ARIANATOR! I'm on the app pic collage my name is eosgirl on it so make sure to follow me! I haven't been on azdressup for awhile but what is what it is and that's is cheese.
I wanna Be a comedian when i grow up i love to see people happy and laughing and everyone say i'm funny sooo yea
Music: I like alot of the itunes top tens but my fave is: can's hold us, thrift shop, and radioactive .
Movies: date movie.grown ups, and frozen
About Me: And my BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST friend on here is Watermelon_Seeds And i'm like super tired right now so like umm yea. THATS HOW WE DO SON, PEACE!