florence30 from los angeles baby !

Member since Nov 24, 2011
I'm a big fan of Lady Gaga,Jake Gylenhaal <3 forever21 , american apperel , H & M and borders and see's candies , starbucks , toms :3
I wanna bunji jumping , make a huge pizza , go to europe & australlia .
Music: lady gaga , nevershoutnever , the killers , mumford and sons , the doors ,taylor swift , nicki minaj , coldplay , and any kind of indie rock c:
Movies: love and other drugs , easy a , little mermaid , despicable me , chicago , shadowbox , chorusline and any musicals
About Me: im into theatre :} , my name is florence . I love to act , sing and shop . Also what every teenager does text and go out with freinds . Well also like photography & fashion oh ! the color orange <33
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