freaky emo girl
freaky emo girl from Bored: sitting in a hospital with Austin is boring someone message me before i poke my eyes out -_- status: single

Member since Jul 05, 2010
I'm a big fan of Andy sixx, breaking benjamin, music,guitar,piano, poetry, painting,drawing and horror films
I wanna nothing..... allie: omg omg omg omg. Austin: what?? allie: idk...I just wanted to get your attention :D
Music: sliptnot, bvb,escape the fate, bullet for my valentine, eyes set to kill, adveged sevenfold, .If i actually put all my favorite music I would need about seven profiles :)
Movies: lost boys 1,2. legion ha I so didnt spell that right. ehh anyhting scary or bloody or funny
About Me: My name allie. I'm a total music freak I always have music blasting.i'm16 and emo.I play drums guitar, piano ,write poetry, skate board. I have a terrible temper best you dont piss me off. ya thats about it
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