fudgimonkey from Neverland, with michael 

Member since Jun 18, 2009
I'm a big fan of deez nuggz seriously might die if I eat some
I wanna go back in time and meet a real life dinosaur (and not be eaten) and then take a baby dinosaur and raise him as my own and do whatever i want with him ;) <3
Music: My Favorite kind of music is Indie I adore Coldplay, The Killers, PAssion Pit, Mumford and Sons, The list goes My top Favorite songs are Take a Walk by Passion PIt, Fences by Phoenix, and Midnight City by M83
Movies: My all time favorite movies are action The A-Team takes the cake as my favorite movie, but not too far behind is Taken and Pretty much anything with Liam Neeson and of course the fault in our oh john
About Me: Imma just go with the flow unitl I can't flow even though it flows down my I also enjoy nice long bananas on sunny days when im home alone in my Hit me up if u like long bananas i got the longest ones in texas & u know you want them
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