funnypanda from Wherever you find me. So keep looking.

Member since Feb 09, 2012
I'm a big fan of my BFF Kaci, also known as KKACI, she's nice, smart, funny and pretty. Most of all, she's a great friend. So if you haven't friended her already, than go on ahead!
I wanna be a clothes designer, fashion is my pashion! Have the perfect clothes, cute ones of course!
Music: Radio Disney songs, Big Green Tractor (in the chipmunk voice of course), Red Solo Cup (need that on my mp3), Welcome To Burlesque, Moves Like Jagger, and most other pop and country songs.
Movies: Just Go With It, Easy A, Paranormal Activity 1, 2, and 3, Rio, and lots more !
About Me: Hey my name is Zoe, my BFF's are Kaci(KKACI),Melina(melinachic), and Kendal(kendal). I love funny people & movies. My BFF's are like my family, they're hilarious. I am smart, cute, single, funny. Friend me! who ever fucking i hate zoe is they need to back
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