glittergirl202 from why do u need 2 know.........

Member since Oct 02, 2011
I'm a big fan of THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST....BOOK........EVER!!!! I also luv Andrea Russet on YouTube. (gettoxfabxforever)
I wanna go to new york city and be on broadway!
Music: lmfao, taylor swift, micheal jackson, whitney housten (too bad there both dead! DX)
Movies: Footloose [1 and 2] mamma mia, SMURFS, hairspray, Grease, the hunger games, harry potter, and the glee concert duh
About Me: I'm so obsessed with the hunger games, It will scare you im so obsessed. I can be SUPER spazzy sometimes, so beware! I'm a big nerd and luv 2 learn about the civil war! I'm nerdy, awkward, different, and proud of it! i also am obsessed with cupcakes!
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