grell from Well I live in narnia if thats what you mean, no? Okay then Alberta! 

Member since Jul 18, 2012
I'm a big fan of ANIME! I love anime with all of my heart!!!~ If you are a fellow anime fan here are some of the animes that I watch: Kuroshitsuji, death note, oran high school host club, Happy hospital, Hetalia, Bamboo blade =_= I can't think of any more.....
I wanna Do lots of things...like go to Russia, and Japan, and learn piano, and become 'one hell of a butler'
Music: Blood on the dance floor, My chemical romance, Evenecence, Creature feature, Black veild brides, Breaking benjamin...Lots of emo bands, but Queen is also exeptable!~
Movies: Well I like anime movies and OVAs like 'Paint it White' and as weird as it sounds I own (and love) all of the barbie movies....
About Me: Well I love to roleplay, and go on omegele, I also love to draw, sing, run, sleep, watch anime(if that was'nt clear before) and read.