ilovetopartywithu247 from bakes ca,1600 mint st.

Member since Jul 27, 2012
I'm a big fan of hey im a big fan of twilight i would love to meet edward do u know how crazy im about him i would fight for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i love vampirers suck it funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny at theeeeeeeeeeeeee enddddddddddddd
I wanna i want to be a teacher when i grow up or a movie star so bad i tried out 4 times and i made it but moneys tight
Music: brouno mars,boyfriend the only song i like of biever,lil wayn drake tori lonley boys old school,grernade billoneare just the way u r, lazy song vaila i kissed a irl that song my cousin sang that song when he kissed a girl but i saidhow did u kiss if u d
Movies: ted she thinks shes all that omg i love that movie so bad u dont even know family guy amarican dad good charly i have a cousin just like her she is so cuite i was in the the waiting room when my cousin had hertyhat day befor my cousin david he would not
About Me: im 11 years old i go to 6th grade i go to stockdale elamentry i have i have six bros the oldest is twins but they dont look thre same as each other i have the cuites baby bro ever in the entire univers im real popaler at school and lots of boys like me b
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