jjjanae from reno nv

Member since Jan 06, 2012
I'm a big fan of kesha and katy perry and lilwayne and enimen and riahnna and niki manaj talor swift and a lot more pepol
I wanna there r so manny things i want i want to be famouse i want to own a monkey i want an ipad i want a laptop i want to live in california i wanna b rich and famous and live in a manchion and have the nices cars wen im older alot of people have wut they wont
Music: pop and country and all that good stuff i live love you like a love song a lot of songs are inspiering like concrete angel
Movies: my favorate movies are scary movies but i olso like comedy and alot but i like to wat
About Me: im an 12 year old girl that hates shcool and my favorate color is blue there are alot more colors i like but that is my veary favorate and i love my mom