kingartez from my life status= im bakkk:PPP got bored so i decided to come bak talkin to alexx she really niceee:PPP

Member since Aug 12, 2011
I'm a big fan of my self status singleee:PPPPP LOL UK I MISSS SUM OF MY OLD FRIENDS ONHEREE O NE COMES TO MY MIND WONDER HOW SHE DOINN/ Alexxx:DD bestfriend
I wanna bee mee an never change for anyone at alll
Music: 1 futuree 2 rich homie 3 quan 4drakeee 5 young scooter 6 stuey rock 7tha jokerr8 rbl da kidd 9guccimanee 10 lil wayneee
Movies: scareyy any good movieeee i just wishe hy make a boondocks reality m ovie thowww0.0
About Me: i have silver eyes dreads play guitar single maybe for a while seeing wat life has wat two throw at me the good or the bad i guess my named diangolo im cool dont like two start shit unless u * with me first an i will beat yo assss im jppp naa im not: