koolgurl123 from in the UK with ONE DIRECTION

Member since Mar 12, 2011
I'm a big fan of ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liam Payne is my favorite<3
I wanna Meet the band ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music: thats what makes you beuatiful , one thing, more than this, I should of kissed you, up all night, I want, tell me a lie, stole my heart, i wish, another world. (all by ONE DIRECTION)
Movies: I love the movie "Mrs.Doutfire" & "Twilight" & "Soul Surfer" & "Mr. Poppers penguins"
About Me: on youtube look up niblerzz and you will find the best music around my friends and i tried really hard to make them u will love it!!! <3 I also love the band ONE DIRECTION
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