kukaaras from that isnt of ur business!!!! :D

Member since Oct 20, 2011
I'm a big fan of rihanna,, chirs brown,,,ke$ha,,,katy perry,,pitbull,,bruno mars,,JB,, eminem,,black eyed peas,,
I wanna be a fashion deisgner and singer !! <3 and dentist :)
Music: california king bed ,,next 2 you,,the lazy,,on the floor,,love you like a love song,,fa la la,,just the way you are
Movies: new moon ,, twilight,,,30 going on 13,,,never say never movie,,,,(pretty little liars) actually its nt a movie its a series,, bt wat eva who cares !!! :P
About Me: iluv songs bt ihate rock songs !!!!! dnt proud of ur self infrot me cuz one day we will die!!!