kurokagamine0ayu from somewhere ...

Member since Feb 07, 2012
I'm a big fan of KPOP ~~~boom shakalaka lol visual kei! j-rock-the GazettE, alice nine,vivid etc.
I wanna go to a kpop concert coughBAP'scoughconcert , and if possible to all of the kpop concerts lol . go to Korea and Japan and to Australia, just to meet my best friend>< yeah after 5 years , and i wanna freaking get out of this retarted country *goes wild*
Music: my most favourite type of music is 1# KPOP and 2#jrock but its not like i hate other music or smth
Movies: so many of them but horrors and drama
About Me: i'm an optimistic and kind person, sometimes a bit clumsy, my fav animal : PANDA 4EVER my fav colour: BLUE i play piano for 6 years already and i sing, sometimes i find myself painting but just like a hobby ^^ i know i''ve been watching animes from 4
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